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Monday, November 15, 2010

Changing seasons

I realized today it has been awhile since I have posted and then I read a little article that got me thinking it was about time I posted. I saw a posting on Facebook from someone I am following called Earth Empress. She posts some very cool recipes and thoughts on life etc. Today she posted about a book by a man named Robert Rabbin called Authenticity Accelerator. As I have been on a journey the last couple of years to live my own life more authentically I clicked the link to see her thoughts on the book. She gave it raving reviews and posted what Mr. Rabbin's considers to be the 5 principles for authentic living. The 5 principles encompass only 10 words:

Be Present

Pay Attention

Listen Deeply

Speak Truthfully

Act Creatively

Nothing earth shaking or really new in those words but direct and to the point and fairly easy to remember and process. Or are they? The suggestion was to read through them twice then look away and try to recite the 5 principles. The one or two that you blanked on could be the ones you need to have in your life most right now... Interesting concept. I had only one that I couldn't recite, Pay Attention.... I would have said listen deeply because my brain tends to move fast or as my friend Cyn says at warp speed.

Pay Attention, that I will have to ponder on for a few days to determine where I need to be paying more attention in my life. I love how simple and direct those 5 principles are, all 10 of those words resonated deeply with me. So for the rest of my week I plan to not only work on paying attention in my life but to be aware of how I move through my day and checking in with those 5 principles. It is so easy to get busy with life and all the things we have to do and all the places we have to be, especially this time of year with the holidays approaching.

I would like to challenge you to do the little test with the words above and for the rest of your week bring awareness to which of those you had trouble with and how it could apply in your life. Slow down, dial in, stay plugged in and observe what happens when you do.
